2015 Season in France Part 1
April saw some boats begin to leave Roanne. A rally to Bassin L, Oudon saw a collection of boats and barges from Roanne as well as elsewhere on the canal take part. The purpose of the rally was to promote greater use of the canal with a view to restoring commercial traffic.

We left Roanne for our summer cruise early in May. We were a little sad leaving as we have made some really good friends in the port. En route we stopped at Artaix where we have stopped many times before and then proceeded to Digoin on the Canal de Centre where we spent a few days. There is a very good Supermarket there so we stocked up with plenty of supplies. From Digoin we proceeded to Paray le Monial. This is a town of many churches convents and monasteries and is a popular destination for pilgrims. There is a slight connection between Paray and my native place in Ireland in that the stained glass window over the high altar in my local church depicts the Divine Apparition that is believed to have occurred in Paray le Monial.
We travelled from Paray le Monial to Genelard where we had planned to stop for a couple of weeks to paint the hull of the barge. The weather was good so we got stuck into the work .While we were there our friends Doug & Sue called and it was a welcome break to go for lunch with them. We like Genelard very much and the mooring and facilities are free provided by the local authority. It also marks the border created by the Germans in WW2 when France was divided in the part ruled from Vichy but under German control and the part occupied by the Germans. In fact at this point the canal marked the boundary.
After Genelard we travelled to Monceau Le Mines and Blanzy. This was a busy mining area until recently. We visited the Mine museum which was very interesting.
Next stop was the pretty little port of Saint-Julien and then on to Chagney and then to Fragnes where we rested for the weekend. Tomorrow we will be dropping down onto the rive Saone and heading North.